Jersey | Global Sanctions



Jersey is a self-governing dependency of the Crown with its own legislative assembly, and administrative, fiscal and legal systems.  Jersey generally follows UK and UN sanctions which are implemented under the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021 made under the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019.

Under Article 19 of the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019, UN and UK asset-freeze designations are effective immediately in Jersey.

National Competent Authorities

The Minister for External Relations is the Competent Authority for Jersey and the Financial Sanctions Implementation Unit coordinates the introduction of sanctions, processes compliance reports and licence applications and publishes financial sanctions notices and guidance.

The Jersey Financial Services Commission has an overall regulatory role with regard to the finance industry generally, which includes checking that institutions have effective systems and procedures to implement compliance with sanctions, and publishes its own guidance.

Sanctions Lists

Jersey does not operate an independent sanctions list from the UK.  The UK sanctions list is on the UK page of this site and an explanation of how UK designations take effect in Jersey is available here.
