New UK application system for SIELs extended to other exports | Global Sanctions

New UK application system for SIELs extended to other exports

4 December 2024

New UK application system for SIELs extended to other exportsESB-Professional/Shutterstock.com

The new application system for standard individual export licences (SIELs) has been extended to control entries 1C353a1, 1C353a2, 1C353a3 (category 'Genetic elements’ and ‘genetically-modified organisms). Applications for SIELs relating to these entries can be...

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Maya Lester KC

Maya Lester KC is a senior barrister (King’s Counsel) at Brick Court Chambers with a wide-ranging practice in public law, European law, competition law, international law, human rights & civil liberties. She has a particular expertise in sanctions...

