
National Competent Authorities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for Dutch sanctions and the terrorist list.  The Central Import and Export Service in the Ministry of Finance issues licences.  The Precursors, Strategic Goods and Sanctions Law team, part of Dutch Customs, supervises compliance with sanctions.

Sanctions compliance duties imposed on financial institutions are enforced by the Dutch Central Bank and the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets.


Sanctiewet 1977 (Sanctions Act 1977)

Regeling Geavanceerde Productieapparatuur voor Halfgeleiders (Regulation of the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of 23 June 2023, introducing a license obligation for the export of advanced production equipment)

Sanctions Lists

National Terrorism List


Individuals and organisations on the Russia, Belarus, Haiti and Iran sanctions lists are required to report any assets and property they have in EU countries within six weeks of being added to the list.

Individuals and organisations must use this form to declare their assets and property. This form and all other relevant information should be sent by email to one or more of the following addresses, depending on the nature of the assets/property:

Reporting requirement for individuals and organisations on the sanctions list

