

Switzerland is a UN member state and implements UN sanctions.  Although not a member of the EU, Switzerland aligns itself with the sanctions and designations made by the EU.

Since 1 January 2003, the  Federal Act on the Implementation of International Sanctions 2003 has formed the legal basis for the implementation of sanctions imposed by Switzerland.  Specific measures such as those taken in relation to a particular state or regime are contained in separate ordinances based on this Act.  Switzerland imposes export controls on dual-use goods and specific military goods pursuant to 4 politically binding regimes: Nuclear Suppliers Group, Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, and Wassenaar Arrangement.

National Competent Authorities

The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is the national competent authority for sanctions and export controls in Switzerland.


Factsheet- Basic principles of export controls

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) – Sanctions

SECO Sanctions Measures

Interpretative aid for sanctions measures (German, also available in French and Italian from above link)

Swissinfo: Implementing Russia sanctions: Switzerland in the crosshairs (Swissinfo is a news and information company that is part of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation)

